Monday 14 December 2015


There are many people who are being passed by because others don't see what is in them.  But God has shown me what's in me and I know it is in you too.  I want to stop you and say "can you see what is in you"?  Do you know your potential?  Do you know that you are not just someone born in a ghetto over the hill? There's a wealth of potential in you.
 Insight like that of a sculptor is seen in the Bible. When the world dumps and rejects you and you land on the garbage heap of the world, God walks along and pick you up. He looks deep within you and sees a person of great worth. 
Don't ever let anybody throw you away.  You are not a junk.  When God looks at you, he sees things that everybody else ignores. You are worth so much that Jesus went to calvary to salvage and reclaim you.
 God looked at Adams and saw a world. He looked at Abraham and saw nations. In Jacob, a deceiver,  he saw a messiah. In Moses, the murderer, God saw a deliverer. Can you imagine looking at a stammering young man and seeing the greatest leader in history. You are a treasure, so give yourself a worth...  You are wonderful

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