Wednesday 16 December 2015



If you imagine or see yourself as the center of your own universe, then you are very wrong.

You have alot and even millions of circle around you. You have the circle of your lover, your partner, this is the closest, most intimate relationship.
The next circle to that is your family and friends. These are people you love the most, you spend most of your time with, they love you the way you are (myself for example, I really don't like visiting people but I have a very good friend that always come visiting and he love me the way I am and never allow my weakness affect him),  that is what we call true friendship! these are the kind of people am taking about, friends that just love you unconditionally, they love you for the real you; these are the people you can relax with, kick off your shoes and be yourself with.  But truly, no matter how sweet these relationships can be, there are still rules, there are right ways to treat them and not-so right ways.
 No matter how close you are, you still have to behave with honour, Dignity and respect. 
Here are some rules guiding friends and families relationship....

1. ALWAYS SHOW THEM THAT YOU APPRECIATE AND VALUE THEM: No matter the closeness of the relationship, always know that little appreciation shows how much you value their RELATIONSHIP with you. Many relationship have gone sour today because of not showing appreciation to each other, many takes the closeness they are having with the person for granted and a single thank you or encouraging word goes a long way.  If we want our relationships with our friends and family to be successful and for them to think the very best of us, then we need to show them that we value them.  By consciously being aware of what we are doing we can improve our relationships, iron out our problems, encourage each other and generally spread a bit of warmth and happiness among ourselves as we go.

2. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE A FRIEND, BE A GOOD FRIEND: "The most important bit is been there all the time and not just for the good times alone".
Been a real friend is a tremendous responsibility. You have to be loyal, honest, sincere, reliable, dependable, pleasant, open, responsive, welcoming and gracious. You also have to be forgiving at all times, be prepared to offer help, support and sympathy where needed.  And you may have to be brutally candid at times and be prepared to risk the friendship by being so. Yet equally there are times you need to hold your tongue and keep your opinion to yourself. They are your friends, not clones of you. They do things differently.
You have to be counselor, confessor, priest, helper, companion, friend, confidant(e)  and comrade. You have to offer the relationship enthusiasm, dedication, determination, creativity, interest, passion and drive.  I guess if there's anything you should take from this rule is being there for one another. You should be there during the good and bad times.

3. NEVER BE TOO BUSY FOR YOUR LOVED ONES: "The more we put into our relationships, the more we get out of them".

 It's very easy in the rush of living to overlook people close to us. I do it too. I have friends who are very special, very close to me and I forget to phone, forget to stay in touch not because I don't care but because I am too busy.  Unforgivable.  Every now and then I will complain that I haven't heard from them, but of course it is me not staying in touch just as much as it is them.  We have to make time, because if we don't, time slips past so fast that a few weeks become months and then years are added on before we know it.
 Well,  I know I do it even if you don't do it but the more time we put into our relationships with children, siblings, parents and friends the more we get out of them.  It has to be us to make the move, to phone, to stay in touch. And what if they don't also do this? Fine, you are now the rule player, so make time for the people who matter to you today, don't procrastinate!!!

 4. HAVE A GREAT RESPECT AND FORGIVENESS FOR YOUR PARENTS: "Hey, there are lots of areas in our lives where we aren't very efficient or skilled or even enthusiastic".

 Your parents are doing the best they can,  and that might not be good enough for you but it's still the best they could do.  They can't be blamed if they weren't very good at it. We can't be all fabulous parents. We all make choices that others can judge as bad or Unforgivable or just plain selfish and wrong but we aren't them, we don't know what weakness they have or what drive them or what is even going through their head.  We can't just judge untill we too have to make the same choice.
 So, for the fact that they brought you into the world, you owe them that respect and forgiveness. If they did a good job, then tell them,  if you love them, then tell them and if they were appalling at parenting, then forgive them and move on. As their offspring you do have the duty to be respectful; you have a responsibility to treat them kindly and be more than they are by being forgiving and non-judgmental. "You can rise above your upbringing".



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