Tuesday 15 December 2015


You will never discover who you were meant to be if you use another person to find yourself. You will never know what you can do by using what I've done to measure your ability. You will never know why you exist if you use people's existence to measure yours.  All you will see is what the person have done or who the person is.

 If you want to truely know who you are,  look at God. The key to understanding life is in the source of Life, not in the life itself. You are where you are today,  because of the way you see yourself.
What people see or say when they look at you is not all you are, it is only what you have become so far and there is always room for improvement. Your potential is far much greater than what you are right now.  What you will become is much more than what we could ever believe now. You are somebody because you came out of God and he leaked some of Himself into you.

 Don't believe what others says about your greatness, believe what God, (your creator) says about you because He is the one that create and knows you....

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