Wednesday 16 December 2015


"When you start doing what you really love to do, you will never work another day in your life"

"There is only one success:to be able to spend your life in your own way"

 Have you ever watched a fish swim? I bet you have, and it's likely you were thrilled by its brilliant display of skill and genuity. It's also like you may have been mesmerized by its dexterity, speed and flair. That's how fishes are. They are created to swim and they do so wonderfully and excellently. But what would happen if you took that same fish out of water and placed it on the bare ground? The fish will wriggle and thrash about so wildly that you feel pity for it. Why was the fish adept in one area and inept in the other?  Why was the fish glorious in one place and shameful in the other? What made the difference?
It was the environment. A fish natural environment is water,  and a fish can only excel and flourish in that environment.
 The same principle is true to all living things, every living thing has a particular environment where it can flourish and thrive consistently and almost effortlessly, and when an organism leaves it's natural habitat, it will flounder, fail and even die, just like the fish out of water. An organism cannot live outside of its habitat and thrive.

This principle also applies to human beings. Every one of us has a particular area where we can do very well and succeed in. None of us can do everything or be everything. There's a right and wrong environment for each of us. A person's best will come alive when he/she is correctly positioned. Research has shown that successful people are individuals who have discovered their area of strength. They love what they do, do it well, enjoy it passionately and prosper at it exceedingly. They are like a fish in water and as a result, they excel in what they do.

Follow your heart. Go in the direction of your natural inclinations.  Build your life around your God-given strengths and endowments, for that is where you will find true success and fulfilment.

Don't make money your motivation: make your passion your motivation and the money will follow. Ignorant people may mock you or ridicule you for doing so, but be rest assured that you will find success and fulfilment on that path.


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