Thursday 17 December 2015


"It takes time to succeed because success is merely the natural reward of taking time to do anything well".... Joseph Ross.....

One major characteristic of successful people is effective time management. Successful people don't waste time; they invest time.  Because they are almost always busy, they have learned how to allot their time judiciously to important goals and objectives. Successful people often think of time as a seed that must be sown in the right soil and in the right season to bring about maximum yield. This understanding drives them to relentlessly pursue goals and activities that hold the greatest promise of return on Time invested.

Another characteristics of successful people is that they are miserly with their time. They have little patience and no tolerance for people who waste their time,  and they invest little or no time into objective that are of little or no interest to them.

 In wide contrast, unsuccessful people are very generous, if not thoughtless with their time. They spend most of their time and energy on frivolities and trivialities like endless TV watching, aimless socializing, unprofitable discussion, needless arguments, gossip, etc. One distinctive characteristics of unsuccessful people is a lack of discipline with time. They are poor time managers and for most of them, their best time management philosophy is: what gets interest first gets undivided attention next.  Unsuccessful people rarely consider the potential return on the task or activities they squander their time on.

What about you? How do you use your time? Do you spend your time without consideration? Do you spend major portions of your time on unimportant tasks and activities? Do you give your time and attention to anyone who just asks for it? Do people have access to you whenever, wherever, however and for whatever reasons they may have, either reasonable or unreasonable? Don't ignore these questions because the quality of your life cannot be better than how you use your time. We may all have the same 24 hours each day but we determine our destinies by how we spend our lot.

Your life won't get better unless you spend your time better.

Learn from successful people. Maximize your time, invest your time. Don't kill it. You are only killing your future by so doing! Be prudent, be thoughtful and wise. Not everyone or everything should qualify for your time or attention. Value your time. Cut down TV watching, stop hanging out with people going nowhere with their lives and terminate every form of aimless socializing. Develop positive relationships. Spend time with individuals who are going somewhere with their lives.

Life is not about how many breaths we take but about how many breathtaking moments we experience. Better a short life of significance than a long life of irrelevance. Use your time wisely.

 Effective use of your time will qualify you for an enviable future... YOU DESERVE IT..............

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