Wednesday 14 August 2019


I hear the buzzing of bees With their painful stings as weapon Still yet producing honey,
The best they could out of their tiny body.
The butterfly was not left in making the best out of its little whooping wings and cute little tiny body  Butterfly with colourful bodies and active wings,  The butterfly said to me I am loved because of my beauty and the one I give the atmosphere I also have pains  But they don’t know my pain Because I bring out the best out of my colourful nature with flipping of feathers and smiling look I was not made dashing but I became extremely dashing I choose to give the best out of my little flipping world.
My ability to tuck in the best out of my little world not minding what the wind says or where it blew me Made me exquisite, smashing, lovely, adorable and loving I suffer in my little world and body size But the little mystery behind my body size keeps me going and wandering how far I can go  Can you ever imagine making lemonade out of lemon?
I wondered until I have come this far I realised there is so many I could really start with out of my little tiny body I am a butterfly and refuse to walk I might be steeped upon and crushed I refuse to run I might be chased after Instead I choose to fly so I might be struggled, jumped and clap to catch

Saturday 16 September 2017


The word Purpose is one of the most common word that has been used and that will still be us by alot and lot more people to come, it's something that has made a lot of people roam about today in the cause of pursuing or finding it. Many has turned to wanderer in the cause of looking or finding their purpose in life.
Truely, all man is born for a specific assignment on earth which we can literarily say it's our purpose on earth. What you are born for, your reason for existence but the bitter truth is that not all human being on earth will or can fulfill purpose and that is why the most fertile land or the land full of purposes today is the burial ground.
Many brought greatness to the earth, God created them a SOLUTION to a problem but they never BE that solution, WHY? that is the big question...
In answering the WHY? Let me give you this illustration
There was a man who bought a brand new car and he was so happy to buy the car because it was his dream car but the car came with a BUTTON as its ignition for the car to start and this man has been used to cars with KEY IGNITION cars and he started ranting and shouting that the dealer, I mean the seller sold his a dead car that does not have an ignition but while he was doing all this, his wife advice him to consult the manufacturer of the car, so as to know what the problem is.

So the man called the manufacturer of the car and expressed his displeasure over what happen, the manufacturer begged him not to be angry and calm him down, he then asked him for the model of the car and the man ANSWERED the manufacturer, the manufacturer laughed and the man asked why he is laughing, the man replied THE CAR IS A BOTTON IGNITION, you did not need a key to start using the car.. The man quickly rush to his car and press the BOTTON and to his surprise the car start and the man was marveled.

Many of us are like this man, we trying to pursue our purpose but we forget the giver of the purpose, God gave us this purpose, he is the manufacturer and the giver of purpose and he best know how he wants to make it come to reality, we forget the giver of the purpose and we now look for the purpose ourselves. It is manufacturer of a thing that best knows what works for it. God is the only one that can help us out with our purpose, why not return back to the giver and let him find your purpose for you. He is the giver and he best know what works for you perfectly.
Finding your purpose is very easy, JUST GO TO THE MANUFACTURER, GO BACK TO GOD...

For more enquiry contact The Mandate International on 08106501704,
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Thanks and God bless .
TMI... RAISING WORLD CHANGERS...... Be the change..

Thursday 7 September 2017


 This question above is a question many of us as youth have not really sat down to ask ourselves. The question above is not a question about your name,your lineage, your tribe or your nationality. Its about what your purpose is,what God actually created you for and why you are created.

 Many youths misbehave because they've not answered this question. Many youth don't know the direction at which their life is to go because of this simple question. As simple as it may seems, it's a question that must be asked and must be answered not only answered but answered correctly.

 It's troubles me when you ask a youth "what can you do?" And their responses will be "nothing" or "I don't know" then I look and say then this person don't really know him/herself. He or she don't know what he/she is capable of.

 Now, do you know that knowing who you are gives your life a direction? Do you know knowing who you are, makes you really know your capabilities? Knowing who you are won't make you live your life anyhow,knowing who you are won't allow you look down on yourself not alone someone looking down on you.

Knowing who you are is Discovering your purpose and working towards achieving it.

Enough of excuses, enough of words of mediocrity, enough of folding of hands to look,enough of things that won't help you, your life and destiny.

Get up and show the world the stuff you are made of, let the world feel your impact, let them tap out of the so much grace bestowed on you by God.

No matter what your background is,no matter what your past is,YOU ARE WHAT THE  WORLD NEED AND YOU HAVE WHAT THE WORLD NEED. Stay blessed!!!

Osobade Ayomipo...TMI AMBASSADOR 

For more enquiry contact The Mandate International on 08106501704, 08025657420.
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Thanks and God bless.

TMI... RAISING WORLD CHANGERS...... Be the change..

Wednesday 6 September 2017


God bless Nigeria is what so many Nigerian can not wake up to say in the morning or anytime, and to be sincere it's not their fault at all.
We find ourselves in a country where things are going out of hand, people are living in fear, those that are not living in fear are living in poverty only few can  afford 2 square meals per day, leaders are synphoning money, corruption is on high alert but this is a nation that is blessed, we have a nation bless with numerous and fantastic resources, when am talking our resources i know you will be thinking of Petroleum, Gas, Fertile Land, Gold, iron ore etc to mention but few, YES! These are resources but am going to shock you, YOU are the resources am talking about, YES NOW, YOU, don't look around or look back, YOU ARE THE ONE. Do you know you are a fertile Land God has sent on earth, you have alot of great resources inside of YOU. You have a Gold land inside of you that you have not started exploration on.
We all claim to that we have a country that is not moving forward but do you know its not moving forward because you have not started using the resources God gave to you. There is something God has given to you that is a SOLUTION to a problem in this country, don't just seat down complaining, explore it, use it, create that Nigeria that you dream of. The funniest part about this resources is that you don't need to be rich or super rich before you start exploration or before you start using it, it is In YOU already, It is in your hand, USE IT.
Stop complaining, create YOUR WORLD.

God has given unto everyone a specific resources, Are you using it?
You can make that change happen, you are not too small, do it now.....


For more enquiry contact The Mandate International on 08106501704,
Like us on Facebook @themandateinternational
Follow us on Instagram @themandateinternational
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Thanks and God bless . TMI... RAISING WORLD CHANGERS...... Be the change..

Thursday 14 January 2016


Everyday we come into contact with real live human beings, at work, commuting in shops, out and about. People we might have met before or often complete strangers. The world is full  of people with whom we interact. So what follows are a few social rules. These aren't set in stone, they aren't a revelation but a reminder.

We have to treat everyone with respect, we have to care about people around us or the whole things will fall apart. We have to help each other no matter who they are because if we don't, there won't be anyone to help us when we need it. We have to be  first to pour our hand out. WHY? Because we are the rule player.

1. WE'RE ALL CLOSER THAN YOU THINK: "THe difference between us is so very little when we wipe away the veneer we all wear".

Yes, we may wear different clothes and speak different languages and have different customs but we all fall in love, we all want someone to hold and hug, to have a family, to be successful, not to be afraid of the dark, to live a long time, to be attractive, not to get sick and to have to die a good death. What does it matter if we wear a suit, a sari or a grass skirt, a gold chain, we ride a Bugatti or a Ferrari, if we deep down we all cry when we are hurt, laugh when we are joyful and our stomachs rumble when we are hungry? The veneer can be wiped away in a seconds and then we are all the same, all quite lovely and quite human.

2. IT DOESN'T HURT TO FORGIVE: "Being forgiving doesn't mean we have to be pushed around"

 It's easy to be angry, it's easy to get riled up and mutter or to make rude gesture and swear. It isn't so easy to be forgiving for I have been a victim of one. And am nt talking about turning the other cheek here or any of that stuff. I'm talking about seeing it from the other person's point of view and been forgiving.

 Been forgiving doesn't mean we have to be pushed around or to put up with nonsense. We can stand our ground say 'sorry I don't need to take that' but we can also make attempt to forgive because we can see it from their point of view. I just bear this in mind, that anyone you come in contact with who hack you off may have had a really bad time before they got to you. Forgiving is not a crime.....

 3. IT DOESN'T HURT TO BE HELPFUL: "This is all about going into everyday thinking of the best of people"

We said in previous rule that the angry person you encounter may have had a bad day before they got to you. Let's try to make it a good day for all before the got to someone else, be the rule player. Let's spread a bit of goodwill around out there and then maybe you can be changing someone's hurt.

Always offering a hand and being generally decent to everybody is really easy, once we get into the mindset that it's what we are supposed to be doing. See situation from other people's point of view.

4. TAKE PRIDE IN COLLECTIVE EFFORT: " To be supportive of our community perhaps we ought to take an interest... Am play some part"

You have to get involved in some way so as to make a tangible difference.

 5. HANGOUT WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE: "No point hanging out with people who don't make you feel good"

If you want to be successful in your life, at work, socializing, you need to be aware that there are two {2} groups people you will meet, First, there are those who lift you up, they are positive about life, have energy and enthusiasm, they work their walk, they talk their walk and generally make you feel great to be alive. And secondly, there are the moaners, who bring you down to their level of inactivity. These group are not the group to hang out with, if you want to make things happen and be happy.
No point hanging out with people who don't make you feel good not unless you like being down like them.

6.BE GENEROUS WITH YOUR TIME AND INFORMATION: "If you have a special talent or skill, pass it on"

As you get older, and you will alot of stuff. Some of that stuff will be important to other people, often the younger people but not always. Share what you know with them. Don't hold on to information for the sake of it and don't hold onto your time for the sake of it. What would you be doing with it that could be in anyway worth while?
 If you have a special talent or skill, pass it on. If don't necessarily mean you have to spend all your spare evening down at the local youth club teaching young ones about whatever it is you know about but if the opportunity arises then you go for it. This makes you IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL, DECISIVE, GENEROUS AND THAT MAKE YOU SPECIAL......

Monday 21 December 2015


"Words are fuel for emotions, just as thoughts are". As a matter of fact, "our words give our thoughts verbal expression".

 "Words are containers for power and as such they have a direct effect on our emotions".

 It's bad enough to think something negative but verbalizing negativity makes it even worse. The effect it has on us is inestimable. Oh, how I wish everyone understood the power of their words and by understanding this, they will learn to discipline what comes out of their mouths.
Words fuels good moods and also bad moods; in fact they fuel our attitudes and have a huge impact on our lives and our relationship with one another.

One of the biggest mistakes we make is to think we have no control over how we feel or what we do. God has given us a spirit of discipline and self control, and it is called self-control because God has given unto us this tool to control ourselves. We all have it, but do we use it?  Anything we have but never use becomes dormant and powerless. (proverb 21:23).

 Millions of people live miserable and unfruitful lives because they are deceived, they believe they are merely victims of whatever comes their way. If they wake up feeling depressed, they offer no resistance, but erroneously assume that they must behave the way they feel. I know this because I lived in this kind of deception before.

What we say in difficult times determines how long the difficulty will last and how intense the difficulty will become. I am certainly not saying that we can control everything that happen to us, but we can control how we respond to the things that happen to us by choosing right thoughts and words.

"You can't control the wind but you can control the sails"


Friday 18 December 2015


The German born physicist was born on the 14th of March, 1879 and he died on 18th of April, 1955. He develop the first of his ground breaking theories while working as a clerk in the Swiss patent office in Bern. After making his name with four scientific articles published in 1905, he went on to win world wide fame for his general theory of relativity and a Nobel prize in 1921 for his explanation of the phenomenon known as the PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT.  An outspoken pacifist who was publicly identified with the Zionist movement, Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United State when the nazis took power before the world War II. He lived and worked in Princeton, New Jersey, for the rest of his life. Albert was born in the southern German city of ulm and he grew up in a middle class Jewish family in Munich. As a child, Einstein love music (he played the violin),  mathematics and science.

  He dropped out of school in 1894 and moved to Switzerland, where he resumed schooling and later gained admission to the Swiss federal polytechnic Institute in Zurich. In 1896,  he renounced his German citizenship and remained officially stateless before becoming a Swiss citizen in 1901.

While in Zurich polytechnic, he fell in love with his fellow student Mileva Maric but his parent opposed the match.  After finding a position as a clerk at the Swiss patent office in Bern, Einstein married Maric in 1903; he has two children Hans Albert (born 1904) and Edward Albert (born 1910).

In 1921, he won the Nobel prize for his work on the PHOTO ELECTRIC EFFECT,  as his work on RELATIVITY remained controversial at the time.

 In the late 1930's Einstein theories including his equation E=MC2, Helped for the basis of the development of the atomic bomb.

In 1952, Einstein declined an offer extended by David Ben-Gurion, Isreal's premier, to become president of Isreal.

 Though he published an article on the theory in scientific American in 1950, it remained unfinished when he died, of an aortic aneurysm, five years later.....

If Einstein can succeed, nothing is stopping you too except YOUR SELF.........